Monday, October 12, 2020

 I  changed  the name of the blog to  "A rose in the midst of thorns".  That would be my Jesus.  The shining light in the darkness:  the intruder of my soul.  the calm in my storm; the patience to my  hurry; the sense to my insensibility;  the strong to my weak;  the shelter in the crisis;  the hope in my hopelessness;  my comforter in all the uncertainties of life.

I have thought for quite some time to start blogging again.  Here I can be uncensored, not stopped by facebook or others for what I want to say!  I can share Jesus however I choose............ the drawing of the rose in the crown of thorns was done for me by my dear sweet friend Carrie. She is so talented and uses those talents for Jesus.

I want to become just like that rose.  I want to be able to prune away the thorns from my life, and let the beauty of the rose shine thru.  and that rose is Jesus.  I never want the thorns of life to stop me from trusting and believing that my Jesus is all I need.  I never want my thorns to be a stumbling block for someone else who is need of Jesus' grace and mercy and love.  

Keep checking back. I love writing, I love putting pen to paper, and I love sharing my Jesus and all he has done for me.  

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...