Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mom and Alzheimers

I decided to start this blog so I can write down my thoguths about alzheimers and mom and the affect it has on both of us, etc. I want to recod the good times and bad, and the times I need to "hold a memory" close, because with ALZ time can be of the essence.
I am really tired tonight as Isaac and I worked hard outside today. Mom spent 4 hours sitting in the fresh air and sunshine while we worked. She talked to us and commented on the progress we were making.
It is 8:45 PM now, and she is tucked in bed, so I am headed to relax and try to get to sleep earlier tonight than previous nights. My body is telling me I overworked it today. Hope I didn't mess my hip up agian. Just went to the chiropractor Wednesday.
Well, that is all for now. I will share some past stuff when I have time to get it on here,so it is all in one place.
Bye for now

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...