Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009
Today was an awesome day. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
I got off work at 4 p.m., so I could go to the dentist in Caldwell. I don't care for dentist, but I have lotst of teeth work to be done :(
I stopped at the house to get the truck. I don't take the van out of town right now. It needs work, too. :(
When I arrived home, mom was sitting on the porch with the dogs just enjoying the beautiful day. She said, "I needed some fresh air, so I came outside." On a whim, I asked her if she would like to ride with me to the dentist. She said yes.
We loaded up, and she loved the ride. She looked at all the wheat fields as they are starting to get a yellow tint to them (unfortunately several we saw have dead areas from all the rain, but we saw some fields that looked good, too) She remarked on cattle and other things we saw. She said when we were almost to Caldwell, "I am glad I came" We carried on a conversation of more than just "yes, no, or help me" and it was wonderful. She wanted to wait in the truck while I went in, but after being there 30 minutes, I went out and she wanted to come in, so she came inside and sat and read a Country magazine and was very good:). We went to Caldwell thru South haven, but came home the other way, so we could stop at McDonald's for her cheeseburger and sprite. Her comment was, "I have been good and patient waiting on you today, so i can have my CB and sprite. I said SURE!.
We are now home and she has eaten and is watching wheel of fortune.
These are the days I cherish, knowing that not all days are this good. i only heard help me once, and that was becasue she needed help getting the straw in her sprite. :)

On another note...........We were trying to get in to see a neurologist in Wichita, to see if she really has ALZ/dementia, or if maybe all the medications she is on, is part of the problem. Well, this neurologist does not take medicaid, so they will not make an appointment, even if I am willing to pay what Medicare does not. So we are back to round one. i will call her dr. here tomorrow and see if he knows of someone else. I have also talked with Rachel and will talk with Sandy and Karen to see what they think.
I woudl truly love it if we coudl do somethign to help her have some better days. there are just somethings she does, that are not true to ALZ/denmentia, so I question what is going on. She is my mom, and I want what is best and I want her to have as good a quality of life as possible, for as long as possible.
There is lots more I want to write, but trash and dishes are calling right now. And laundry :)
be back later.

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...