Saturday, May 16, 2009

I decided to start a blog where I can share the ups and downs of "raising" my mom who has Alzheimers (ALZ).
It has been a difficult road a times, and at other times very rewarding.
It is especially hard to watch as mom slowly loses her memory of different things.
I want to be a good daughter, but at times I find it very hard to be patient, especially when mom is repeatedly saying "help me", for no reason. As with a child who "cries wolf" one to many times, you cannot let it go by with mom, as it might truly be something important. It can get hectic and frustrating, but if Ican walk away from it for a moment or two, then I can handle it again.
I found the other day that reading to mom from the Pslams calmed and relaxed her. Her faviorite verse is Psalm 46:10--Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations.
later as I thought about that verse, I realized God was speaking to me, too. He was telling me to BE STILL, and KNOW THAT HE IS GOD!.. He is in control of all situations, of all things, if we will but let Him have that contorl. I titled my blog longing for patience, becasue I am not a very patient person, and I long to be more patient, not only with mom, but with everyone.
Now that mom is tucked in for the evening, I think I will go take a nice hot, bubble bath to soothe my aching muscles (Isaac and I worked in thr yard 4-6 hours today and mom sat on the porch in the rocker and watched and talked to us).
Goodnight for now.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon---I need to tell you what an encouragement you are to me! As I read posts you make on FB, they are really a blessing to me! God is and will continue to bless you and give you strength and wisdom as you care for your mother. What a commendable, honorable privilege you have and that is to care for your mother. I will talk more later---


it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...