Thursday, January 9, 2025

Welcome to 2025. I am determined to start blogging again, and keeping it going, rather than writing every few months.  I have so many thoughts that run thru my mind, ones I want to share, but some social media platforms  censor what you share, or lock you out or won't let you use certain word. 

I am a believer in Jesus, and I want to be able to share what I want, when I  want, using the words I want. 

As I'm writing this today, it is snowing outside.  Beautiful tiny flakes, falling straight to the ground.  And the best thing bout snow?  I'm retired and I do not have to go out in it.

The pristine white of the snow reminds me of how the blood of Jesus can cleanse our hearts.  I'm leading Bible study with my friend Annie, and we are doing the exposition of the old testaments books, showing how the old testament speaks of Jesus, and continuously points us the the Messiah of the New Testament. 

As time passes, I will share some  thoughts from each Bible study, and some personal stories that touch my heart .

2025 is a new year, and we can go forward,  We don't look back at our past or our past mistakes.  they are behind us.  we can look forward and go forward in the belief and faith that God is n control and He will go with us.

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...