Tuesday, January 21, 2025

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.

 Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and as my fur babies went outside to potty, the doggie door flap snapped off.   around 9 Charlie wanted to go out again, and it was hilarious watching them go thru an open doggie door.  they kept trying to put there head against the non-existent flap :)    I had to open the door for them to come back in.     

Being retired means I only go out in the snow when i have to, not to go to work.   I can sit in the warm house, in my pj's, curled up on the couch with the fur babies.....or I can  do whatever I want :)   

Yesterday I watched the inauguration of our 47th President.   NO president is perfect, but I do feel like with President Trump in office, we have a reprieve. If we listen to the news media, they are very one-sided and very opinionated in what they report.   If you listened to the Presidents inauguration speech, he didn't say half of what they are implicating.   He did not say all illegal people will be sent back to their country.  he said those who are bad, who have done wrong, who are filling up our prisons, need to go back.  I never once heard that he was splitting up families, nor that "all" immigrants have to go.  I applaud that he stated there are only 2 genders, male and female, none of this non binary ...  you are either born with female or male parts, so you are one or the other.   He did not say he was taking away the rights of "those who do not support him", he said he wants equality for all,  thru race, religion, creed, etc.   He pardoned those involved in the Jan 6th attack on the capital.  I'm fine with that.  I may not be as right wing conservative as they were/are, but  if it was okay for President Biden, while still in office, to pardon his entire family, then it makes you wonder what he wanted to hide?    People have hated President Trump, because he does not cowtow to any certain group.  he s not easily bought off, and does not allow other extreme liberals to come in and turn him into a puppet.  He is for helping Americans be able to afford to live, not drown in high prices.  

We have seen revival happening all across the USA. on college campuses; hearts are searching for something, and that something is Jesus.   We will still have the freedom to worship as we choose.  Although I am Christian, and I believe that Jesus is the only answer, I know others don't see things the same way.  We must learn to agree to disagree, and remain friends.   I am pro-life and pro man/woman relationships, but I will not condemn someone who is not.  Yes, we were created in God's own image, BUT he gave us a free will, a free choice, to make our own choices.  And even as a believer in Jesus, I have made a multitude on wrong choices.   But I always know I can go to God and seek forgiveness, IF i am truly and wholly repentant.   He will not accept superficial repentance.  we don't either, so why should God?  

God didn't cause the fires in California or the Hurricane which swept across the east and left massive destruction in both areas.   God is not a God of evil, come to wreak havoc, but there is one who desires to cause trouble, pain, hurt, divisions, calamity, sorrow and that would be Satan.  He is no respecter of persons,  and he will try to draw anyone into his snare.  Our only hope is in Jesus.  But just because we have that hope, it does not mean we won;t have struggles and trials, sorrow and pain, but when we have Jesus, we have a hope and a peace that the world knows not of.  

as we move into 2025, may we put God first, spend time praying for our beautiful USA and show kindness to all.  and be grateful and thankful for what we have .  and cherish our family and friends, as we do not know what tomorrow holds.  And keep our eyes on Jesus!

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...