Thursday, October 22, 2020

A couple weeks ago we sang "I know who holds tomorrow" in church. Every time we sing that my mind floods back to the time i sang with Terry and Link in church. Young and carefree we were then. and no idea of what would happen in the next few weeks. Link was called home to Jesus. 42 years later and I still miss that smile, that friendship, the laughs. I miss him. So, today in my memories on facebook, something I wrote about Link a few years ago popped up. and because of this same song. I love how God brings memories to us just when we need them. Here is what I wrote in 2017 Today, in church, we sang, "I know who holds tomorrow" 39 years ago, a few weeks before October, two male friends and I sang that song as special music in church. Little did I know then, that my friend Link, would be meeting Jesus face to face in October 1978. He was 18 years old, had a promising career as an auctioneer......... when his life was cut short in a wreck. I hadn't thought about Link in quite some time. he was kind, funny, ornery, and a true friend. He was like the "link" that held our youth group together growing up. He had a way with people. He was my friend, and I was devastated when I heard the news. I was a month away from being 19. I had only tasted death thru losing a grandparent, so losing a friend was just as hard, or harder. I sat, listening to the words of that song this morning, (I couldn't sing cause my voice is scratchy form allergies), my eyes became moist as I remembered my friend. I will see him again one day, I have that hope, that we have in Jesus Christ. I miss you Link, Can't wait til the day we can talk again. I don't know about tomorrow I just live from day to day I don't borrow from the sunshine For it's skies may turn to gray I don't worry o'er the future For I know what Jesus said And today I'll walk beside Him For He knows what lies ahead Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand Ev'ry step is getting brighter As the golden stairs I climb Ev'ry burden's getting lighter Ev'ry cloud is silver lined There the sun is always shining There no tear will dim the eye At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains touch the sky Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Have you ever wanted to find a never ending supply of something? Like chocolate, or money, or friends, or good health? Or for some, a never ending supply of coffee or tea or pop? For me, my never ending supply would be chocolate and ice tea. But, more than those two things, I want a never ending supply of Jesus. I ran across something I wrote down a few years ago and it still holds true today. "You replenish my strength daily as I draw from your unlimited supply." WOW. an unlimited suppy of Jesus. When I am weary, He will refresh me; when i am lonely, He will be my friend. when i am sad, He will wipe away my tears; when i am angry, He will soothe my soul; when I am weak, He will be my strength; when I am afraid, He is my shelter; When I am sick, He is my healer; when I need quiet time, He sits quietly with me, letting me rest in Him. He restores my soul.............His mercies are new every morning.......Great is His faithfulness. If you need strength, if you need healing, if you need a friend, if you need comfort, go to Jesus, and draw from His never ending supply.

Monday, October 12, 2020

 I  changed  the name of the blog to  "A rose in the midst of thorns".  That would be my Jesus.  The shining light in the darkness:  the intruder of my soul.  the calm in my storm; the patience to my  hurry; the sense to my insensibility;  the strong to my weak;  the shelter in the crisis;  the hope in my hopelessness;  my comforter in all the uncertainties of life.

I have thought for quite some time to start blogging again.  Here I can be uncensored, not stopped by facebook or others for what I want to say!  I can share Jesus however I choose............ the drawing of the rose in the crown of thorns was done for me by my dear sweet friend Carrie. She is so talented and uses those talents for Jesus.

I want to become just like that rose.  I want to be able to prune away the thorns from my life, and let the beauty of the rose shine thru.  and that rose is Jesus.  I never want the thorns of life to stop me from trusting and believing that my Jesus is all I need.  I never want my thorns to be a stumbling block for someone else who is need of Jesus' grace and mercy and love.  

Keep checking back. I love writing, I love putting pen to paper, and I love sharing my Jesus and all he has done for me.  

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...