Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas

Merry Christmas. It has been 2 months since i have posted anything. It has been a long fall for me, and there were days I did not care to write, to really talk to anyone.
I used to love Christmas time, with all the decorating and spending time with family, but this year has been different.
I put up 5 trees :) One big one, and 4 small ones, of which 3 were moms. I did not have the energy to put up all the decorations, and maybe that was because I was gone over the thanksgiving holiday and that is when I normally decorate.

Life is a circle, so to speak. Mom's room has once a gain become my bedroom/sewing room and it looks like a tornado struck it at the moment. And my bedroom will become the guest room, but for now it is home to Cerina and Cydnee. Due to some not so good circumstances, Cerina has had to make some changes in her life and in Cydnees(who is 3). it was not the best month for them to move in, but it was what was needed, so here they are. It will be much different than when mom lived with me, as mom could not follow me thru the house. Cydnee is always saying "play playdough with me".... Seeing things thru the eyes of a child again will be fun. Mazee is not sure about the intrusion, but I am sure she will soon be following Cydnee everywhere.

Which brings me to friends...............Where would we be without friends who help us out, by help in move around 2 bedrooms, who overlook the messiness of my home, who let me vent, knowing I'll feel better when done, who encourage me, who pray for me, who are just there for me.. I serve an awesome God who has given me an awesome church family, who are not just my friends, but my "second" family.

I have spent 4 of the last 5 weekends with my family, at birthday parties, our Thanksgiving meal and then time in Colorado. that in itself has been a blessing. The little ones are so cute, and this has given me opportunity to get to know them better. The yougnest one, Addisyn, is 9 months and she is the happiest baby I think I have ever seen. She watches the older ones tun and play with such anticipation on her face of the day she will be able to join them.
Christmas will be fun this it has been watching the children's faces light up.
Christmas eve with my sister and family and then Christmas day afternoon with Cerina and Cyd. this might be the year of starting new traditions, too. who knows what god has planned?

it has been almost 6 months since mom went to be with Jesus. It does not seem real many times. this past week I was sick, and I started to pick up the phone and call mom. I needed to hear her voice. then I remembered................. I almost made it thru Thanksgiving with out tears, until the last evening, saying goodbye to some of moms siblings...........
i have cried more this month. there is an ache deep inside that only time can heal. Mom is spending Christmas with dad and Jesus this year. I am so thankful that I know without a doubt that I will someday be spending Christmas with them again, too. I believe that god allows them to know some of what is going on here on earth. So mom and dad, and LeAnn..Merry Christmas. I love you and miss you.

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...