Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Resting in His Promises

I changed the name of my blog tonight. 
I am no longer "longing for the patience" I so desperately thought I needed when I was taking care of mom. 
God wonderfully supplied me with just what I needed, when I needed it to take care of mom , to work, etc.
I had been thinking about changing the name for quite some time, but could not think of anything to change it to.
In church Sunday morning, Larry was filling in for Pastor, while he was away enjoying time with his family.  Larry spoke from Psalm 37,  talking about fretting not, committing to God's will, delighting in the Lord, ......and God spoke to me and said, Rest in my promises..................immediately I knew that  "Resting in His promises" was to be the new name of my blog. 
I  want God to use me to be His tool, sharing His word, and His promises with others. 
I am much more of a behind the scenes person, so I truly believe that between facebook and my blog, God  has given me a mission field. 
While I care deeply about the harvest, the planting of the seed and the watering and nurturing are also very important.  I know personally, I woudl not be where I am today if it had not been for those who God sent to plant the seeds in my life, and water them and nurture them, and then he sent others to harvest, then yet others to prune away the things that were not good.   I could not list everyone her, so I won't list anyone at this time, for fear of hurting someones feelings :) .
I am blessed to serve my risen Lord and Saviour. My house and my truck may not look like it, but God has blessed me beyond measure.  He has seen me thru some fires, and trials, and although at the time, I wondered what was up??? I am a better person and a stronger person for those things.  He has given me great joys and hope, too.
So, hopefully I can  post more on here, sharing the promises God has shown me, and stories that have brought me hope and joy and peace.........
God Bless you.......... 

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it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...