Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'll meet you in the morning

This past week, while home sick, I watched alot of TV, and on the INSP network, the Gaither Homecoming Hour was on. As I watched one of several hours of the show, this particular hour was songs about heaven and seeing loved ones again.

The song, I'll meet you in the morning was playing. As the words, "Stand just inside the gate, for I will soon join you" were sung, I suddenly could picture Jesus saying. "Edgar, Calvin, little ones, Ben, Leola(moms parents), Guy, Lillian (dads parents) Cathy and May Ann, come with me. Violet is almost here." Jesus greeted mom, then the others all gathered round her with joy! The little ones I speak of are miscarried babies that I believe are in heaven, too. I know mom passed away over 1 1/2 yrs ago, but it was at this moment that I believe God chose to show me that so I could have a little 'extra" comfort right now.

Tears streamed down my face as I listened to that song, and in my mind saw mom rejoined with her family that has gone before. I have always known and believed that mom was in heaven, because she had accepted Christ as her Savior, but after mom passed away, I struggled with this. I don't know why, becasue I never struggled with believing that any of the others were in heaven.

I believe this was God's way of comforting me and allowing me to be able to rest in the knowledge that mom is indeed in heaven. Not that I did not already believe it. God just knew what i needed and when. He is a God of comfort.

The next song on the show was "I am longing for a place I have never seen............sweet Beulah land."

I am indeed longing for Beulah Land, where we will live forever, praising God. praising Jesus, the Lamb who was slain so that I might be given the opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation. All I had to do was admit I was a sinner, ask Jesus to cleanse my heart and come live within.

Tears fell that day. Tears of joy, not of sorrow. Thank you Jesus!

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...