Saturday, August 22, 2009



I accomplished so much today. All the laundry is done, not all folded, but clean :)

All the dishes are done...............after 3 loads int eh dishwasher and the big stuff hand washed. that is what happens when you have no desire to clean house and then you are sick.

I still have a knot on my jaw, but the pain is minimal. and I can eat solid foods again. YEA!

I have Isaac and Derek, my friends boys for the day/night, while they are at a volleyball tournament in KC. This is the 4th weekend in a row that Isaac has been here, and helped me. I think I will tell his parents tomorrow that I am gonna ask for 'weekend custody".. I am much more motivated when he is here helping me.

I have decided to rip out the carpet int he living room and kitchen, so we started today. that stuff is gross, and stinks, and needs out of here. i will treat the wood that is under it, and then I am thinking I will put down tile squares. I did moms bathroom (well it was moms bathroom) myself, and it looks pretty good. :)

Mazee even earned her keep today. Isaac and Derek went to their cousins birthday party this afternoon. while they were gone, we still have padding on the floor where the carpet is gone. Mazee started pulling up the padding in little chunks. It was so cute. She would only do it, though if she knew I wasn't watching.

Gracie has had a long day. She was shivering this morning, like she was chilling from her fever. She took her medicine like a good girl, and again this evening,and now she is asleep. She is starting to act better now. She is very tender in her haunches, so I have to be careful how I pick her up. I'm so glad she is doing better. I am afraid if I lost my "baby girl"-- I've had her 7 1/2 years, I would be a basket case. Gracie bonded with me right off, before I bought her, and has been my girl ever since. mazee is my girl, too. she really does not like anyone else.. Could be that I got them from the same lady, same farm over by Howard, KS......

Well, I guess I should stop for tonight. I have to remember I have a little one (okay 8 yrs old) but younger than Isaac (almost 12), and I need to get Derek in the tub, and ready for bed.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19

I am so glad I serve a risen Lord!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Longing for another "chat" with mom......


Sitting here tonight, I find that I long to have one more talk with mom. It has been one of those weeks where you just "need" to tell your mom what is going on.

My week started with getting a tooth pulled on Monday afternoon. It would not totally numb, so I told him to get it out anyway........Wrong answer.........there was a lot of nerve pain, and it ended up being infected. It was a root canal gone bad, that was not savable, which was to be finished up the day of moms funeral, but due to circumstances beyond our control, i did not get it finished til Monday. I ended up at home for 2 1/2 days, with a very swollen jaw/cheek, and lip. there is still some pain, and swelling, but much better than what it was. It doesn't matter how old we become, we still "want or need" our moms to say it will be okay.....:)

Mazee is laying on my lap as I type, and Gracie is on the floor beside me. I wanted to tell mom this week, as I "recuperated" and watched alot of TV (food network) :) that mazee was watching TV with me, just like Candy used to do when I was little. Candy would sit on the footstool and watch. Mazee lays on my lap, eyes glued to the set and ears standing at attention. While Gracie sleeps curled up between my feet on the recliner. I wanted to tell mom that Gracie is sick. She has a doggie bladder infection, and had to go to her least favorite place today, the vet's. She is fine at the vets, til we go in the "room", and she had to get on the exam table, then she goes ballistic.

And, today I learned that my favorite uncle, Chuck, has cancer. He is 87, and has made the choice to live his life without treatment, and live as long as God allows. I agree with him. His other option for treatment was skin grafting on his arm, and the possible loss of his arm. Why go thru that pain, and numerous hospital stays, when you can stay at home, surrounded by family who love you, and will care for you? I shed a few tears when I read the email, but as my cousin said, the tears are for us, not Chuck, who is ready to go home, to meet Jesus, and see his beloved wife again. My tears are for an uncle who was my favorite growing up. Might be because he was the one who lived closest to me, but no matter, he is still my favorite. Chuck and Cathy would keep me when dad and mom were both at work, which wasn't often, cause mom did not work alot when I was little, but I would not let Cathy put me to sleep. I had to have my "Chuck,", and I as I grew he would chide others that I was "his girl". I was. and I am. :)
I love you, Uncle Chuck. Always.
I love you mom, and dad. Always. I miss you. There are so many things I want to tell you, and share with you.
Thank you for the legacy of Christian beliefs, of being able to know that I will see you again some day, maybe sooner than we think, as we watch history play out before our eyes.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's not the room that keeps the memories aliv.

On Saturday, I started the reorganization of my home. It looks like I am moving in, not just rearranging. Moms room doesn't look like moms room anymore. It looks more like a storage room at the moment. I decided to leave my room in the back, where it is. It is quite cozy and quiet, and off the street.
Moms room will become the guest room,, the toy room, the sewing room and the TV room. The living room is now or soon will be a dining/sitting room. Not having the TV in there, really opened up space. It was not as hard to rearrange moms room as I thought it might be. But, I only moved furniture, I have not begun the task of sorting thru her stuff. I did box some up to move some stuff, but it is just in the box, not gone thru.. That will be harder, I'm sure.
I find that Sundays are the hardest for me. They were the most stressful days when mom was still with me. I guess I miss her sitting with me in church, seeing her sing the hymns, knowing she knew Jesus was walking with her no matter what.
It's not the room that keeps mom's the memories deep heart.

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...