Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mom's trip

Jun 27, 2009
It is with great sorrow on my part, and great joy on mom's that I share today that mom went quickly and peacefully home to her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ yesterday morning. She suffered a major heart atack, and GOd called her home.
In my heart I believe she was met by J esus, followed closely by dad, her babies and parents and siblings.
She is now rejoicing and praising Jesus while heaven has becoem that much nearer and dearer to me.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


June 18, 2009
Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I wrote something.

Mom has had good days and not so good days, and some very antsy days where she just
wants to go somewhere. it seems just going out to sit and rock on the porch calms her and is relaxing so we have been doing that more. She has also been coming out to the living room to eat and watch TV, rather than staying holed up in her room.

But , alas I titled this addictions...........and she has several anymore.
Not only is she addicted to Cheeseburgers and Sprite from Sonic or McDonald's............she has an addiction for macaroni and give her a choice between mac-n-cheese or something else, no matter what it is, she wants mac-n-cheese. so , we eat a lot of mac-n-cheese............ or she does, I tend to fix something else............

She also has an addiciton to Kleenex. If she does not have at least 2 in each pant pocket or more, (I have found 4 or more in each pocket at laundry time :) ) then she needs Kleenex. the box went dry two days ago and I only found out at lunch that day, after she was out and had none for her pockets. we were headed to the beauty shop and she complained the whole way there that she had no Kleenex. i assured her Ann, her beautician, would have some..........Ann did, and gave mom the box, not just 2 fro her pockets....... :) there were probably only 10 in the box, but mom was sure happy :)

But, the addicitons are easy ones, and I am happy to oblige her. What makes her happy an content is the most important thing at this time in her life.................

Friday, June 5, 2009

Praising God!

June 5, 2009
It has been a long 2 weeks of ups and downs!
Mom has had good moments and not so good ones. I found that I was getting very frustrated
with all the "help Me's", and it was wearing me down. At times I was not a very patient daughter, and even stepping back, I did not 'regroup" as quickly as I should have. But, god gave us some good days in there where mom carried on an actual conversation, rather than just "yes, no or help me". those words, "help me" are going to be the bain of my existence :)
Somehow, by the grace of God, I have muddled thru the last couple weeks, and by His grace I am okay :)
We are just shy of 2 years that mom has lived with me, and in all that time, the only time I had without mom was last July for 6 days when she went to Colorado & Wyoming with Sandy. It was not the break I had anticipated, as I had to attend training in Topeka 2 days and then had to work, instead of being able to take a much need "vacation" for time alone to regroup. And when mom returned, she was extremely out of it, partly we believe, from the trip and alot from a new medicine that wired her instead of relaxing her. A couple days after she returned form that trip, she would not wear any panties (she would shoot me if she knew/understood) that I was telling this :) So, we had asked hospice to become involved and they came to "interview" mom. the lady asked why she wasn't wearing any panties? Moms answer: "they give me a headache" It still makes me laugh. I was sitting on moms bed, and when mom answered that, I had to turn my head and bury my face in one of my dogs to keep from laughing out loud. My niece, Rachel was here, too and she was able to walk out of moms room to laugh and also to check on Abbye (her daughter) to make sure she was being good. Since that time, mom has pretty much kept her undergarments on, but I can't say the same about the pants/tops :) She tried to go to church one sunday in a shirt and panties :) I think we might have been excommunicated for that one :) not really :) We have an awesome church family who loves mom (and me) and accepts her as she is. some had the privilege of knowing her before this, some have not.
This coming week I have taken a couple days vacation. One of those days to accomplish some much needed things around here, and the other to spend time by myself. Deanna, moms helper, has graciously agreed to take care of mom that day, so I can leave, or hide out in my room and sleep or watch TV, or do whatever I want. I am looking forward to the break.
The main reason I am Praising God tonight is because mom has a bad habit of taking her false teeth out and laying them on her nightstand. false teeth are a dogs "best friend" :) About a year ago, mom ended up with no teeth because of this, and I was trying to figure out how we could afford a couple thousand dollars to replace them. then I learned that her insurance would cover them ! Praise the Lord! So, in December mom once again had a teeth and she loved eating things again that did not have to be "gummed". tonight, between the time Deanna left and I arrived home from work, mom had decided to go to bed........ Capri's and shoes were on her chair, glasses and top teeth were on the nightstand. no bottom teeth. My first thought was "Oh, great" I put the top teeth up before they were taken, too, and started looking for the bottom ones. no teeth in sight........i kept looking, hoping to find at least a piece of them..........I moved a curtain and guess what I found ?? The bottom teeth in one piece, with only a little gnawing done on the back edge. Thank you Lord. the teeth are safely tucked away, in there polident, til morning :)

One of my favorite scriptures is
Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...