Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Someone called into our office today and asked if it was the library...............sorry, we were not, but it brought to mind the time in 2008, shortly before mom quit driving becasue of her dementia, that she showed up in the tag office and tried to return a book. My boss at the time recognized mom, as I had not seen her come in or leave the tag office. Carolyn went out and stopped mom, while Peggy came and got me. I ended up driving mom home, and she told me that she "got confused". There is a scripture in the Bible that says "our steps are directed by the Lord". I realized today, 5 years later, how moms steps that day were so definitely directed by the Lord. She could have gone to any building, not been known, gotten very lost and or disoriented., and I could have been looking for my mom, not knowing where she had gone to. Mom always lived a life of faith and trust in her heavenly Father, and He was true and faithful to her, too, most assuredly in the days when she was no longer capable of making her own decisions. He directed moms steps that day, to the courthouse, where he put people who knew her and cared in her path, to keep her safe! I am so thankful and grateful to our Heavenly Father who will direct our steps, but we have to be willing to let him. My steps are your, Lord.

it's a rambling kind of day.  mixed up thoughts going every direction.   Baby it's cold outside.   At 7A.M. it was -4* outside, and ...